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Today is the 4th day of Rabi-ul-Awal Shareef and I wish you all very happy blessed "Eid Milad Un Nabi." Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) announced that whoever will greet Rabi-ul-Awal in first place, will be rewarded heaven. Rabi-ul-Awal shareef aap sub ko mubarak ho!

3/2/2009 10:58:15 AM 
Ebenezer Kebab
It is announced by the Kowlooon Mosque that Ebenezer's Director has appologized for the careless done by the staff at one of their outlet. Now that they have reconcile everything and it is now Halal.
2/21/2009 1:21:44 PM 
It's hilarious!

A two-year-old boy has been "married" to a dog in eastern India to "ward off evil spirits and bad luck". The "marriage" took place in a village in Jajpur district on Monday. The "groom", Sagula Munda, was taken to the house of the dog, called Jyoti, in a highly decorated rickshaw and priests solemnised the ceremony. The boy's father said such "marriages" were a tradition and would help ease the bad omen of the tooth rooted in Sagula's upper gum.

2/20/2009 10:56:52 AM 
A journey that changed the life of our Fathers
Assalam-alay-kum dear friends.......Yesterday I had opportunity to be present in a very interesting interview of Cha Cha Habib Shah, Islam Shah and Nazir Cha Cha with an author who is writing about the history of retired Pakistani officers in Hong Kong. Truly, I was very interesting  to know more about the history i.e from Pakistan in 1952 to 1994. I believe not many of us know all the details / hardships / good times / bad times they had faces. We must record it down in some way............................Some clips are "Do you know how much difficulties our fathers had faces when they left Pakistan for unknown place called Hong Kong. There were approx 200 young boys (at that time in 1952) and another batch of 47 youngsters in 1962. First batch travelled from Karachi Port to Bombay, then travelled by train to Calcatta and from there by ship to Hong Kong. Second batch travelled by plane to HK.  First batch were taken to a barracks (site near Fanling Court) where they were trained to be Police officers. They all stayed single for 4 years before they went on leave to Pakistan to see their loved ones. One more thing is it was around 1957 /58 when the quarters were made for us and we occupied all 2 blocks then. These were the words said by the cha chas when they were talking about their very difficult by golden time. They mentioned about a big fire in Shek Kip Mei in 1953, 1967 riots and 1967 Sha Tau Kok Fire incident where two Pakistani officers were killed.................I am sure you all agree that they had made their sacrifice and brough us to the world and this place.......... I would like to DUA  for my father and all who had passed away.......... At the same time special DUAs for cha chas for their Good Health.......My salute to my Father....MUNIR  
2/16/2009 12:13:31 AM 
Barbecue Party !!
We had a barbecue party Tai Tam Chung today with delicious food like chicken tikka and beef kebab.  Tahir prepared some divine beef kebab, unfortunately it was such a shame that he could not join us and witness the popularity of his food.  I hope more people will join us next time. 
2/14/2009 8:42:36 PM 
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