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It was vey sad to hear about the death of Rahil's Uncle. We all pray for him that may all mighty Allah rest his soul in peace and give him a place in Jannat hereafter.Ameen. Our symphathies to all family members. May all mighty Allah give patience to them. Ameen.
6/18/2009 2:58:16 PM
Dear Raheel brother, my sympathies to you and your family at this very sad time. May Allah bless his soul and grant him a place in Jannat. Ameen. My deepest condolence goes to his beloved family. Let¡¯s pray, Allaah give his family sabr.
6/16/2009 2:58:52 PM
Dear Raheel bhai and all family members, Very sad to hear the sad demise of your mamoo Aslam Anjum. He will be remembered by many. A great loss for his family and friends, a loss that cannot be abridged. May ALLAH grant him a high and honoured place in Jannah. Ameen!
6/16/2009 12:22:13 PM
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna llayhi Raje'oon
Raheel Ahmed Butt,My Heartfelt Condolences for sad demise of your Mamoo Aslam Anjum,It was really shocking,No loss is bearable for his Children but time is the best healer for sure no one can replace the love ones.May ALLAH give his family all the strength to bear this great loss,May ALLAH grant him peace and solitude in the hereafter,Ameen!
6/15/2009 3:38:23 PM
Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ilayhe Rajeoon
This is to inform you that Mr Aslam Anjum Mamu of Rahil Ahmed Butt ( 92084441) has passed away in Hong Kong on 14th June 09 at about 12:30 PM. Let us all pray for his soul. May Allah bless his soul in peace and give him place in Heaven. And give patience to his family members. Ameen.
6/14/2009 1:09:01 PM
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