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Non-Halal meat labelled as Halal sold to Msulim Community
Dear Sarfraz,  Wonderful job done! It is important to bring awareness among Non-Muslims meat vendors in Hong Kong and to make them understand the importance and the meaning of the word "HALAL". No meat vendor should sell Non-Halal meat to Muslim community knowingly and intentionally by simply sticking Halal Logo on the meat packs for the sake of doubling their profit. It is sole responsibility of Consumer Council and Food and Hygine Department to look into this matter and to investigate the wrong doings. I wonder if there is any law enfroced by the Hong Kong government to check and punish meat  vendors who cheat our community by selling Non-Halal as Halal.  Whether they are asked or guided to practice in accordace with the teachings of Islam - guided by Islamic Trustee Hong Kong. Islamic Trustee should step into this matter to avoid this happening and do more to interact with the shop vendors through government officials to educate them on this issue.  All the best. Jazakallah! 
5/21/2009 12:38:28 PM 
Suicide video drama
It was not a suicide drama but the protestor was protesting Housing Authority for failing to allocate him to a new apartment, where the air is relatively cleaner and smoke free. Protestor had been requesting HA, based on a letter issued by the doctors to relocate the protestor to a cleaner place for health reason. He had been trying for a long time but when he realized that HA had not taken any action, he took himslef to the street to protest in his own way to draw public attention.   
5/12/2009 2:21:16 PM 
5/3/2009 1:30:25 PM 
I want to share suicide video drama.
Cheung Sha Wan suicide drama recorded by myself. I don't know why he done. Anyway this is the link below.      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVsOOTCfmzM
4/21/2009 9:26:56 PM 
Dear all members. recently aunty Zohra (Kazim Mother) fell down and got severe injury. She had been admitted in Prince of Wales hospital in Shatin. I request all the brother and sisters to make dua for her that may Allah Ta'ala give her early recovery and gives her good health and be back home soon with  her children. Ameen.
4/7/2009 12:01:36 PM 
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