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Glad to be back in Hong Kong
Dear all Fanlink brother Salam to you all, I was in UK for 2 years but in the end I have decided to come back as there is no place like HK which I was always missing, if some bro would like to know any information about UK, please do not hesitate to call me, see you guys soon in the near future events.
3/30/2009 6:02:30 PM 
Proud to be part of it !
Jinnah Hockey Tournament, Fanlink is proud to be part of this great event,Fanlink has Contributed sum of HK$16000 to make this tournament more successful , enjoyable and memorable one;We are very thankful to those who have supported us in this  tournament ,Abdul Zahir ,Myself and Tahir presented the Prizes to the winners,I hope more of Fanlink Brothers will get closer to each other by contributing more in near future for our next events(for Good Cause),we have also strongly  supported the Jinnah Hockey tournament Magazine and also the credit goes to those who have devoted themself such as Consul General of Pakistan Dr. Ahmad Balal and Tournament Chairman Sheikh Amjad Mahmood for their very best efforts to make this tournament a successful one ! Thank you !!!!!!
3/25/2009 6:27:01 PM 
Congratulations on Pakistan National Day
Today we celebrated the Pakistan day with great enthusiasm in remembrance of ¡°The Pakistan Resolution¡± passed on March 23 in 1940.The day was dawn with special prayers by Mufti Arshad Sahib for solidarity and integrity of Pakistan. Flag cermoney was hoisted at Pakistan club by Council General Dr. Ahmed Balal, Capt. Saleem and Mohammad Ishaq sahib respectfully with Pakistan National Enthem. C.G gave a speach to commemorate the most outstanding achievement of the Muslims of South Asia who passed the historic Pakistan Resolution in Lahore. With restless struggles, Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali  Jinna aquired this piece of land which is today called "Pakistan". Today we all need unity, soliderity and live in harmony. And educate our children who would be future of Pakistan and should make us proud to call ourselves Pakistani. Once again. Yo'm-e-Pakistan Mubarak.
3/23/2009 4:00:59 PM 
Jinnah Hockey Tournament.
For this year's hockey tournament, Fanlink has contributed money to the three winners.  On behalf of Fanlink, Zulfiqar , Tahir and I have presented the prize money to the winners.  It was truly a great honour because the event was a great sucess.  Many thanks goes to our Consul General of pakistan for making this event possible and very successful.  Behind the glorious scenes, Amjad Mahmood has devoted himself fully to putting together this tournament.  As the Chairperson of this Jinnah Hockey tournment, he has brought his credits to Fanlink as well.
3/22/2009 10:18:45 PM 
Announcement for MILAD UN NABI

Dear Brothers, 

FANLINK is pleased to announce the MILAD UN NABI celebrate the month of the birth of our beloved Prophet SAW, to be held on Sunday, March 15, 2009 at Fanling Mosque after Dhuhr. The lectures will be presented by Imam Mufti Muhammad Arshad. Speech is delivered focusing on every aspect of the Prophet's SAW life.I request all Muslim brothers to attend and get the best knowledge of the day of the Prophet's birth should be a day of joy where we can all produce results for a better humanity as a sign of our commitment to him. 

Fanlink will serve complementary refreshment after the program.

3/9/2009 12:03:19 PM 
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