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New Pictures
Believe it or not. Once a Fanling Chai has seen this website. He cant go without looking at it atleast once a day. Atleast I check it for few times to see discussion from new faces eveyday. And the new pics.
2/18/2007 10:48:08 PM 
How can we forget
Ifat, Do you remember we use to eat rice and suger while going to mosque in the morning!!! How can we forget. Hahahaha. Tahir
2/18/2007 10:42:11 PM 
Can anyone guess whom am I ?
Salam Alaikum guys, Wow thats something great, and made me very emotional, remembering all those old memories in pictures. Keep it up guys I am impressed. Wonder who is behind this great idea ? Can anyone guess whom am I ?
2/18/2007 10:47:59 AM 
I don't have to worry about my cloths
I have been gone too many party in past but this is the party that will keep in my mind for long time to come. You know why, because i don't have to worry about my cloths the way i eat or the people around me because all of them are my childhood friend.We can talk for hours but our convarsation never finish.We really miss those friend who could not make it in party.I hope thay can make it in the next party, the party should have more then 100 guys next time.That will be have more fun.(Raheel)
2/18/2007 10:43:45 AM 
Lets keep up sending photo
Whenever you go to the FANLINK.HK, all your memories comes back........Lets keep up sending photo and don't forget to inform other "missing fanling chai's" to join in. MUNIR
2/17/2007 12:05:11 AM 
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