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Salaam, I have exchange some emails with Ifat Gul and learned things about each other which we would have not had known without Fanlink. His father passed away in 2003. Let us all pray for Chacha Izat gul. May Allah Ta'ala's rehem be on him and grant him a place in junnah. Ameen. Waslaam, Tahir- Africa
3/4/2007 11:05:18 PM 
Keep it UP 'BAHAI LOG' so far 294 photo's is been pereserved in this unique website, this link is getting popular not only among FC (Fanling Chai )also non Fanling Chai as well. U BAHAI LOG'S R ROCKING. KEEP THE BALL ROOL IN.
3/3/2007 7:20:53 PM 
Respect each others feelings
Salaam, This site has started since January this year i suppose and no one has misused or misbehaved. But everyone has appreciated it very much. We are all grown up and things like these does not do anything good to anyone. We should all respect each others feelings. May Allah Ta'ala guide us to the right path all the times in our life. There is a saying(If one can not help someone, atleast should prevent to harm. Agar kisi ka acha nahi ker saktay to burra na kero). We should all appreciate Zahir's efforts and try to improve the site and keep it going. Waslaam, Tahir - Africa
3/2/2007 7:39:20 PM 
Thanks for thr pictures
Dear JT, We thank those of you who have sent us photos to be posted onto the website. Each and every photo that is sent in, we treasure greatly. However, the photos are posted purely for friends to remember the happiest moments. We want everyone to know that your concern and your generous gifts are very much appreciated. Mr JT every one would like to see your full name Please send to member@fanlink.hk ,Wasalaam
3/2/2007 2:06:44 AM 
New Members
Salaam, Glad to see some new members today. I think still many of us does not know about this website. It would be helpful if we all try to tell who we know and are missing so they would see the website and enjoy it. I am sure when they learn about it, they would be very happy and surprised to see us all here. Waslaam, Tahir-Africa
3/1/2007 11:28:01 PM 
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