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It is a great fun and happiest feelings looking our youngest moments. Pictures do feels all of us more close and do beleive our loves for each others. I think we all miss those moments and never forget our happiest moments we spent those days together. Hope if we reborn again and start same life in fanling as well pakistani police primary school. Fanling is a trade mark of our hearts and very very special WORD for all of us that really touch deeply in our hearts. Fanling gives us lot of dreams and we always dreaming about fanling! We're really missing it everywhere. Fanling representing us lot of things that we are missing now: LOVE.FRIENDSHIP,BROTHERHOOD,CHILDHOOD, and most important beloving PARENTS. Looking forward for our loving contact if possible. Pls send this mail to FANLING if can. Understand my feelings for all of brothers, sisters and mainly our guardians whom i am missing a lot in my heart. We miss them always while we feels them close too. Our respect and love for all of them forever. All of you, pls take good care of health as we are becoming older day by day but feelings becoming younger and childhood if we really continue our contact by fanlink website. Thanks a lot who do a favour to all of us thinking this website idea. Organizer we all appreciating your true love for us. THANKS. Allah Hafiz, Ishfaq from tokyo, japan
2/20/2007 10:34:09 AM 
Fanling Chai
Assalam u Alaikum, All fanling brother. Nice to have this website being launch to get in touch with all the old fanling chai and it remind us the past of our childhood and I'm really proud to show this website to my non fanling friend that how and what our childhood is like. Please keep on posting the new and old picture. I have had missed the party that you guys held couple of week ago in Pakistan Club it's pretty good idea to get together once in a while. I will not miss this party in the future and hope to see you all fanling chai soon. And Allah All Mighty bless all the fanling brother. Allah Hafiz, Tariq from UK
2/20/2007 3:43:39 AM 
Nice Massege
sala m to all my brother i just saw the website i never know that there is so many nice massege from all our brother next party is from my side any time you just tell me when we guys going to met each other and just tell my brother what you want to eat and where shall we go for the party pakistan club or in fanling quater . my fanling house address is 6 number 2/fllock A
2/19/2007 10:42:59 PM 
New Pictures
Believe it or not. Once a Fanling Chai has seen this website. He cant go without looking at it atleast once a day. Atleast I check it for few times to see discussion from new faces eveyday. And the new pics.
2/18/2007 10:48:08 PM 
How can we forget
Ifat, Do you remember we use to eat rice and suger while going to mosque in the morning!!! How can we forget. Hahahaha. Tahir
2/18/2007 10:42:11 PM 
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