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Dear ALL Bros, As-salam-alay-kum I hope everyone has now received the meesage from ZAHIR about our next gathering in Fanling (i.e New Fanling Mosque) on 2007-03-11 Sunday between 1PM to 5PM. Please note that a carpark is available near the mosque (free). For those who have never been to the mosque, its actually on the same route to the PMQ. We will arrange some signs in urdu for you. We wish to invite all our CHA CHAs in the function as well so please assist us in informing and inviting them to join the gathering. By the way, I have heard from Zahir that some of you are preparing some snacks for us. That will be great. Anyway we have prepared some refreshements for all..... Khaliq bhai is co-ordinating in informing all bros so please let him know if you are coming on Sunday for better arrangement. See you all inshallah ! MUNIR KHAN
3/8/2007 10:57:40 PM 
Memories of Fanling
Dear Brothers Salaam to All. Zahir has done a great job, all of us are back in the past though we have forgotten about us in the physical world, but down inside we are linked through our past memories of Fanling and now Fanlink. I. Gul
3/8/2007 4:25:36 PM 
Memories of Fanling
Dear Brothers, Assalam-aly-kum. Firstly, I would like to thank Zahir, Danny and other brothers who had worked hard to gather all "our child hood friend" together. Bravo my dear friends ! Let me take you all to the past again now ....... Remember "Fan Yuen Noodle shop", the "tuck shop outside our quarters(I.e HATTI WALI), Fanling clinic (where we get the free medicines)and of course "Wo Shing"(where we get our spices / masaala. All the places I have mentioned is in someway related to us deeply and had been great part of our lives. Now all is gone. That's the beauty of history. I propose to arrange the second gathering of us in Fanling PMQ / our new mosque. After food and DUA we may walk around the quarters. Remember to keep our CHA CHAs in our DUA. They are our roots and we are just the leaves / blossoms......... MUNIR KHAN
3/6/2007 11:30:39 PM 
Fanling Chai's
Many new member are coming up almost at the daily basis, This "fanlink" is becoming much helpful to me at least. There were peoples I meet and see in TST as well as in the Mosque, but did not knew that, they were "Fanling Chai's", Great work Zahir, and thanks
3/5/2007 8:11:59 PM 
Memories alive
Salaam to Every one, I feel so pleasure to visit this website and reminded my good old days. I wish I could be there could keep these memories alive. I will send my fresh photo soon, so that you could place my introduction in your member area. Thanks a lot for a nice effort and keep it up. With Best Regards Altaf Hussain Awan S/O Mohammad Hussain PC 3224
3/5/2007 5:17:59 AM 
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