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Maintaining good health
Cut out the trans fatty acids and Saturated fats to increase HDL (Good Cholesterol) and reduce LDL (Bad Cholesterol). Trans fatty acids are currently present in many of your favorite prepared foods -- anything in which the nutrition label reads "partially hydrogenated vegetable oils" -- so eliminating them from the diet is not a trivial task. But trans fatty acids not only increase LDL cholesterol levels, they also reduce HDL cholesterol levels. Removing them from your diet will almost certainly result in a measurable increase in HDL levels. Palm oil and Coconut oil (sold as vegetable oil) are mostly used in restaurants, which are root cause of increasing LDL, which means blocking the arteries. Do exercise at least 20 minutes daily such as jogging, biking, walking, aerobic excercise and lose weight. 
4/13/2011 12:11:32 PM 
Maa ki Dua, Jannat ki Hawaa
My Dear brothers, We all are feeling the sorrow felt by Mushtaq, Ishfaq, Zahid and pappu. No wordly treasure can replace the cool shade of a mother's prayer. Day and night we are protected from calamities because there is someone who is constantly praying to Almight for our well being. Those whose mothers are alive, try your best to serve them while you can. Others can recite Surah Yaseen everyday and bless thier parents, if you missed the opportunity to serve them when they were alive.  Finally long live Fanlink forum...
4/7/2011 7:17:23 AM 
Innah Lillahe Alaehe Rajeoon
It is very sad to hear about the CahChi Irshad  Passed away may ALLAH (SWT) rest her soul in peace and honour her place in Jannah. And my condolences to Ishfaq Ali, Mushtaq Ali, Zahid Ali And Basit Ali. May ALLAH  (SWT) give patience at this sad moment.
4/7/2011 2:11:28 AM 
She has slipped beyond the horizon but not out of mind...
Mother is a first great love for every life. The loss of  a mother is very hard to bear. Time is now the only comforter for Shah brothers and sisters and for the entire family, friends and relatives. Aunty Arshad was dear to everyone for her great affention. I pray to ALLAH for the departed soul and for its honourable place in Jannah and pray for the entire family to regain courage and strength. 
4/6/2011 5:34:05 PM 
Innah Lillahe Alaehe Rajeoon
Very sad to heat about ChiChi Irshad ( mother of Zahid Ali).May ALLAH rest her soul in peace and honour her place in Jannah. Ameen
4/6/2011 8:16:06 AM 
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