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We must definitely get together and celebrate with you when you return to Hong Kong.In addition, I have an idea ¨C we should have a gathering when the hits on the Fanlink website reach 100,000.
6/30/2011 12:50:57 AM
Happy Golden Birthday
Dear Mansoor Bhai, Allah give you next Diamond Birthday and I am there to Greet you. Haaaaaaaaaaa.
6/29/2011 5:51:00 PM
Happy Birthday
Dear Mansoor bhai, wish you a very happy birthday, you made it my friend half a century and looking forward to your century now . Inshallah you will be there.
6/21/2011 3:53:04 PM
Congratulation for your half century.
Cingratulation for your 50
's and happy birthday I know it's a bit late now. I think you won't mind.
6/21/2011 2:15:00 PM
The cricket player's name is Misbaul Haq and not Misbauddin.... sorry.
6/16/2011 9:53:32 PM
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