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Dear All Fanling brothers I wish you all a very happy Eid,
10/12/2007 6:25:15 PM
Chalo Fanling Chalo / Nascent babies
Yes, for sure! We should all gather in Fanling mosque for praying Eid ul Fitar Namaz. This way we will be able to raise more funds for the mosque and as usual fund raised in Fanling mosque will be used for organizing different religious occassions. Dear Zia and Sarfraz, Congratulations on the birth of your sons. We Muslims say " You have been blessed in what you have been given. May you give thanks to the One who granted it. May your child reach maturity and right guidance and may ALLAH (SWT) make the child a blessing for the parents." Zindagi Ek Ne'mat hae. Is ko Khoob jeeyo.
10/12/2007 4:43:06 PM
Eid -ul- Fitr
Congradulation to zia and serfraz on their new born baby boy, May ALLAH give them health.insha allah we would meet tomorrow
10/12/2007 4:12:17 PM
Eid Mubarak to all Fanling Brothers
I wish you all the Fanling Brothers a Happy and prosperous Eid-ul-Fitr.
10/12/2007 3:43:04 PM
Eid-Ul-Fitr Prayer at Fanling Mosque
Imtiaz has given a very good thought of having our Eid-ul-Fitr prayer at our home town. I am sure it will be a great moment for all of us having Eid prayer together after dacades. I have confirmed with Fanling Mosque that the prayer would commence at 9.30am sharp Satuarday 13th October, 2007. Insha Allah we would meet tomorrow. I wish you all a very wonderful, happy, healthy, full of joy, and peaceful Eid. Eid Mubarak in advance.-----------I would also congratulate Sarfraz and Zia for their new born baby boys.
10/12/2007 2:20:12 PM
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