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Dear Asin, .............Happy Birthday..........I am your uncle MUNIR.
10/23/2007 10:54:16 PM
Thanks !!
Thank you Ghaus ChaCha
10/23/2007 8:56:31 PM
Happy Birthday to Asin
Assalam alaikum, Its nice to see your photo with your dad and brother. I would like to wish you a Birthday full of happines! From uncle Ghaus.
10/23/2007 7:47:05 PM
Attn Zahir
Pls sand password to rafi via email aarafi@hotmail.com. He need urgently.
10/23/2007 6:55:57 PM
Dua for uncle Manzoor
Dear Ovais, We were shocked to learn the sudden demise of your father. Your father will remain in our hearts forevevr. He was great uncle and had a very pleasant personality. I and all my family members pray to ALLAH to grant your father a highly honoured place in Jannah and give you strength to overcome this chanllenge. Ameen!
10/23/2007 10:12:24 AM
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