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In all 1354 data In all 271 page 3 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 4 |
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon |
Sad to learn about Chacha Manzoor, May Allah grant him place in Heaven |
10/19/2007 7:22:54 PM |
Dear all Fanling brothers there is a sad news chacha papa ( Ovais Father ) is passed away yesterday |
10/19/2007 6:54:39 PM |
Word of Thanks |
Dear Brothers,,ASSALAM-Alay_Kum......Thanks for all for coming to Fanling on EID and making it a memorable event (all attended will agree). Speical thanks to "ALL" (without naming individul person) for assisting me in the event. Secondly I agree with Tanveer bhai about the visitors' book (or guest book) to be placed in Fanling. I'm gaoing to arrange one soon. comments |
10/17/2007 9:54:19 PM |
To preserve our mosques |
Dear Tanveer bhai, I really enjoy reading your informative messages - especially expedition stuffs. Whatever you tell us, I can feel the exploration during your military presence. My cousin too is in Pakistan Army (major) and I really enjoy listening to the adventures he encountered. It's good idea to place a guest book in Fanling mosque and Stanley mosque for the vsiting guests to write their own comments. The two mosques are very dear to us and as Nisar bhai said, we must push Govt of the HKSAR to prserve the two historical buildings under building ordinance and must not let anybody to think of demolishing them. Unfortunately, Muslim communities (Chinese and Non Chinese) are not putting effort. Inshallah, this will happen and we will try best to do so. Frequent visits will make the difference. My regards / Azhar CHAUDHRY |
10/17/2007 5:17:15 PM |
Salam to every one , Thanks to Allah ji who give us baby boy on his month of RAMADAN , and also thanks to all of you who wish us MUBARAK BAD , thanks allot to all of you , and sorry to say late EID MUBARAK to all of you becoz i was busy with family ,now they back to home , anyhow , once again i will wish to ZIA on his baby boy , i keep baby name as ( MUHAMMAD HASEEB KHAN ) , |
10/17/2007 2:37:42 PM |