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Inna lilahi wa inna ilahi raji'un
Ovais, it is really sad to hear and accept sudden demise of your father. I have been very closed to you and your father. I am really unfortunate not to be in UK. May Allah Tabarak o Talla grant CHACHA PAPA MANZOOR place in JANNAT. Now Ovais, you are the one who is going to take all responsibilities of your father. So you need to be more stronger than before.  May Allah bless everyone in this world.
10/22/2007 4:21:40 PM 
Sad to Hear
Ovais, it was very sad to hear about your father past away, may Allah (SWT) grant you saber and grant our beloved ones soul in Jannat.
10/22/2007 2:55:49 PM 
Inna lilahi wa inna ilahi raji'un. Ovais bhai, it really hard to knew all sudden about chacha. Again, we lost our's beloved guardians in very short moments. May Allah grant him place in Jannat . Ameen. Also, may Allah give you the strength to overcome the pain that we all feeling same at this hard moments. May Allah grant patience to everyone's on this sudden sad moments. Ovais bhai, I & my family sympathies to you & all your family members there. Pls don't feel alone at this moment, we all fanling bros are standing beside you & your family. I beleive everyone of us ready to do best there as one of family members too. May Allah bless chacha soul. AMEEN. Ishfaq bhai ( tokyo )
10/22/2007 11:54:10 AM 
Inna iliahi wa inna ilahi raj'un. Dear Ovais.May ALLAH bless cha cha soul and grant him place in Junnat. Please accept ours depest sympathy to your family. ALLAH Hafiz
10/22/2007 8:12:04 AM 
Extending deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family with duas.
Inna lilahi wa inna ilahi raji'un. Dear Ovais, I was deeply saddened to hear the loss of your father. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolence. Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear. May Allah give you the strength to overcome the pain and grant you and your family patience and fortitude. May Allah bless his soul. Ameen. Allah Hafiz, Ghaus.
10/21/2007 3:43:42 AM 
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