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Wonderful gathering
It was a wonderful gathering in Fanling mosque and I wish we will keep the spirit high and will be organizing such events more occasionally. It is a duty of all Muslims to make Eid celebrations memorable ones. I must say our children enjoyed the Eid most of it. Afterall they know the meaning of Eid more than us. I sincerely extend a word of thanks to Zahir bhai for arranging tea party and thank you Khaliq bhai for making big pot of tea. Thanks to Munir bhai for providing us an opportunity to celebrate our Eid in Fanling mosque. Outsiders took it as a surprise when they saw delicious cakes and everyone was desperate to have a sip of tea.  It is our religious duty to generate more funds for the mosque and if we continue it, more events will be organized and our childhood memories will never diminish. See you again in Fanling mosque on coming Friday. Javid IQBAL.     
10/17/2007 2:02:29 PM 
We are United

I am writing down my memories before they start to haze away, which I doubt they ever will. Eid extravaganza is planned by the Muslims everywhere in the world. If I look at the tea party organized at Fanling mosque. I would say, “What a enjoyable gathering”!  All friends and folks were enjoying pure UK English Tea (brought by Zahgir bhai from UK),made by Zahir bhai and Khaliq bhai. Cakes added the taste. We all know that Fanling Chais take everything out of them and replace it with memories that cannot be matched. No matter how many pictures are taken and no matter how many words are written about the gatherings we have, nothing will describe the events justice. It's always a mix of efforts and friends and brothers like Munir, Zahir, Khaliq and Javed (forgive me if I missed anybody) that make the event so great. Our sincere thanks to Munir bhai for arranging this event. Presence of all is undoubtedly the reason the gathering is so successful. We are all fortunate to be part of Fanlink. Long Live Fanlink!!! And hope to see you all again in Fanling mosque on coming Friday (19/10/2007).

10/17/2007 12:44:50 PM 
New Members
Salam and welcome to all our New members. And thank you all for (Hum U.K Walon Ko Yaad Karne Ka) on your visit to Fanling Mosque on Eid Day. Once again Eid Mubarak to all .Thank you Khaliq Bhai.... Fayyaz
10/16/2007 11:08:30 PM 
Belated Eid Mubarik
A hearty Eid Mubarik to all Fanling people. The pictures of Stanley Mosque were very good. The building seems quite sound structurally. It is surprising that the prison service wanted to demolish such a religious, historic and architecturally pleasing structure. Anyway I think there should be frequent visits if not twice a year at least one major visit perhaps on Eid Milad un Nabi. Maybe some people do not believe in such things but there is no harm in celebrating birthday of the prophet if we can celebrate birthday of our children.

The pictures of Fanling on Eid day were also very good  as it was a very sunny day.  It reminded me of the time we used to play football on that hard surface of the 'ground' where one was susceptible to getting wounded. The mosque in Fanling is a permanent reminder of history of Pakistani Police presence in Fanling. I suggest that a 'Visitors Book' be kept in the mosque and anyone who wants to record his comments/suggestions should do so. It will be sort of a record.  There should be a column for father's name also. We have visitors books in military units in Pakistan Army specially at remote rest houses in the mountains. I remember I once took an expedition  of troops  to  Mastuj in Chitral and stayed in Chitral Scouts Mess and it was so interesting to read all the comments of the personalities who had stayed there. I also endorsed my comments. That was in 1983 when I was just a Lieutenant. Even if I go now they must have the old visitors book.  In the case of Fanling it would more appropriate for any visitors i.e. non Fanling friends who are invited on functions endorsing their comments. Anyway I think I should sign off now. I always write too much.
10/16/2007 10:03:48 PM 
 Salaam Fanling Brother  Our Hoo App Koo Eid Mubarik Bought  Bought Deaar Say Maghar Hai Too Zorrai Sub Koo Eid Key Chai Fanling Masjed Mai.  Zabardast  EID Mannai Hai Mum Sub Nee Fanling Masjed Mai. Ha Ha  London Waloo Koo B Yaad Khaia Hai Sub Nee.  Is K ay  Alwa Sub  Dunia Mai Rahnee Walee Fanlink Bhai Sub Koo Salaam   App Ka Bhai Khaliq
10/16/2007 8:57:41 PM 
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