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Dear Tariq & Munna Bhai, I am so sad to hear about Chachi. May Allah Bless her soul in Jannah. My Sympathies to you and your families. It is indeed a Sad moment for All Fanling members. My Regards to your Father...... Fayyaz
10/29/2007 6:12:06 PM
Tariq , Khalid & Family , It so sad to learn about Chachi , May Allah grant him place in Heaven, Please do let me know if I could be any help !!
10/29/2007 4:33:16 PM
Khalid Bhai ,Tariq Bhai and family,I am very sad to hear that Chachi has passed away Innah lillah he wa innah illahe Rageoon,May ALLAH(SWT)Rest her soul in Peace and grant her Jannah(Ameen)May ALLAH give you all the strength and courrege in this difficult time,Please if you need any help contact me .
10/29/2007 3:57:17 PM
Condolences to Khalid (Munna) & Tariq Bhai
Dear Tariq Bhai , Khalid (Munna) Bhai and family, INNAH LILLAH-HE WA INNAH ILAIHE RAJEOON. Greatly sadden to hear about the unexpected demise of your beloved mother. May Almightly Allah rest her soul in peace and grant her a place in Jannah. Ameen! Please accept our deepest condolences. We all Fanling Chais are with you at this difficult time. Jamshaid
10/29/2007 2:48:26 PM
Janaza Prayer
This is to inform all the members that the Janaza Prayer of Khalid's mother would be held at Happy Valley Cemetery at 2.30pm on 30th October, 2007.
10/29/2007 2:28:57 PM
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