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Dear javed bhai..........ASSALAM_ALY_KUM and warm welcome to fan-link. Please keep in touch by attend our next gathering and meet us all. How is Nasir. Please pass my salam to him. .........Take Care and KHUDA HAFIZ.........MUNIR KHAN.
11/1/2007 8:45:47 PM
Inna Lillah he wa Inna Ilaihe Rajeoon, Dear Tariq and Munna Bhai, I hear the sad news about your mothers sudden death, may Allah blessed her soul and reward her a place in Jannat, and also pray to Allah to give you and your family members sabbar, Ahmeen, Perwaiz
10/31/2007 12:40:45 PM
Sad demise of Uncle Manzoor and Tariq's mother
May Allah almighty rest the departed souls in eternal peace. Fanlink has played a major role in bringing the Fanling people together. I and my wife visited Awais and his family up country in UK and reminisced about Uncle Manzoor who was so full of life. He was like that to his end. Awais' brother in law Mr. Waqas said that Uncle Manzoor was like a rock. He was in lot of pain but never complained and suffered in silence. I remember Uncle Manzoor screened the movie of Neil Armstrong setting foot on the Moon in 1969 in the football ground in Fanling. The older ones among us must remember. It was a historic moment for mankind is etched forever in my mind. Uncle Manzoor was one of the most popular 'Chachas' for being able to mix with the youngsters. Similarly Tariq's mother was a very benign person who was always kind to us kids. Remember Tariq's was the first house to get a TV and we all used to be there watching.
A very warm welcome to Javaid. I think all people regardless of education or station in life should be above these trivial matters and keep in contact through this forum. Certain other prominent people are also conspicuous by their absence from this site. Our unifying principal should be anybody who has spent time in PMQ Fanling. In the end once I join everybody in praying for the souls of Uncle Manzoor and Tariq's mother. Khuda Hafiz.
10/30/2007 8:34:59 PM
A very warm welcome to Jawaid to our big Family.
10/30/2007 8:08:29 PM
Welcome Jawaid
I and all of us welcome Jawaid Bhai to our FanFamily. I am very grateful to meet you after almost 20 years.
10/30/2007 8:03:41 PM
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