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Zia's Invitation
Just saw on Notice, Zia has arranged a party for his child. This would be another oppertunity for us to get together. See U guys there.
11/7/2007 6:01:25 PM 
Jawid Iqbal - Welcome to our Great FanFamily
Hi brother, Welcome to our Great FanFamily.  It is realy nice to you afer such a long time.  Hope to keep in touch much closely.
11/3/2007 3:11:16 PM 
A message for Munawar Khan
I am sorry as I was not able to pick you phone, thanks for your call and I appreciate your concern and the message that you have left. I will definitely call you next week.  Salam to Chachi.
11/3/2007 1:50:24 PM 
A message for Brother Hafiz
I  am sorry as I was not able to pick your phone, thanks for your call and I appreciate your concern and the message that you have left. I will like to call you but unfortunately, I do not have your contact. If you happened to check on this website, you may leave your contact on this website or to my email address : khalidkhan.munnabhai@yahoo.com or khalid@unison88.com.hk.
11/3/2007 1:48:53 PM 
A message for Brother Mansoor (Los Angeles)
I hope you may be able to read this message.  I am sorry as I was not ale to pice up your phone.  thanks for your call and I appreciate your concern and the message that you have left.  I hope you may be in a close contact with us on our Fanlink web as everyone misses you too much.
11/3/2007 1:24:23 PM 
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