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Meena Bazaar at Pakistan Club
Guess anybody coming to Meena Bazaar at Pakistan Club TOMORROW (Sunday) from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Another chance to get together.
3/8/2008 12:45:19 PM 
Ishafaq UK
You have to step in within 3 years otherwise your status change as my elder brother facing lot of problem and he is now right of land I/O Right of aboard. SO please touch and go within 3 years.
3/8/2008 12:32:37 PM 

The doctor took Dan into the room and said, "Dan, I have some good news and some bad news."

"Oh, no. Give me the good news, I guess," Dan replied.

"They're going to name a disease after you."                                                      

3/8/2008 12:26:49 PM 
How is going on
I m in England for more than 3 years.I did not return back to Hong Kong before 3  years time.If  there is any one that can tell me what will happen to my (right of stay in Hong Kong) than i will be very thank full to that person.Are there any more limit that i must return back to Hong Kong in that time than tell me that about it.For the time being i m very happy here in England.See u all in real life in future.Rub Rakha. 
3/8/2008 2:17:13 AM 
Redneck Girl

Drinking with a Redneck Girl

A Mexican, an Arab, and a redneck girl are in the same bar.


When the Mexican finishes his beer, he throws his glass in the air, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, 'In Mexico, our glasses are so cheap we don't need to drink with the same one twice.'


The Arab, obviously impressed by this, drinks his beer, throws it into the air, pulls out his AK-47, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, 'In the Arab World, we have so much sand to make glasses that we don't need to drink with the same one twice either .'

The redneck girl, cool as a cucumber, picks up her beer, downs it in one gulp, throws the glass into the air, whips out her 45, and shoots the Mexican and the Arab. Catching her glass, setting it on the bar, and calling for a refill, she says,


'In America we have so many illegal Mexicans and Arabs that we don't have to drink with the same ones twice.'

3/7/2008 7:10:02 PM 
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