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Congratulations on the launch of Fanlink Newspaper
The response from the general public on the inauguration of Fanlink Newspaper was marvelous. Yesterday, the distribution after friday prayers at Kowloon, Wanchai and Stanley Masjids were well received. People were eager to get the copy and afterwards were having a good browse of the newspaper and looked satisfied and were congratulating. The inauguration was at the right time, right places and on the right occassion. Well done, brother Zahir and the team.
3/22/2008 1:24:54 PM 
Congratulation to Fanlink News Paper and welcome all the new member
I personally congratulate the Fanlink News paper has been launched very successfully and had a great response, All the credit goes to Zahir and his team, who took a great effort to make this paper successful. May Allah bless all. 
3/21/2008 10:26:58 PM 
40000 Hits and 146 Members On Board

Six months have gone by from our last notification of 30000 hits.  Today we have 40000 hits on our website with 16 new members.  We have been joined by some very senior members like Javid Akhter and our warmest welcome goes to them.  Hopefully, they will find Fanlink a very convenient place to meet old friends again. 

During the course of 6 months, we have been very sad to hear about the deaths of Chacha Mohammed Hussain, who was a senior of our community, and Farhat Mumtaz, who was very young when he passed away.  This certainly caused a vast amount of grief as they were both amazing individuals and will be greatly missed. Our condolence rest with their families.    


we are very glad to announce that the official expansion of Fanlink to the wider society.  The first edition of our Fanlink newspaper is being distributed today - Now, Fanlink is not working with people who used to live in the same region, it is also working with people outside this group in many different parts of the world, spreading words about Fanlink. I hope it never happens, but should theĦħ FANLINK POST Ħ° ever fall short of your expectations, I would consider it a personal favor if you would let me know about it. 


However we have recently found some problems that could limit the full development of Fanlink.  The number of comments posted onto the website has greatly decreased in the past few months and this has certainly led to a lack of keenness.  The eagerness that we possess at the moment is definitely not at its fullest as not everyone is involved in posting comments.  The whole purpose of Fanlink website is to gather old friends together and find out how their lives are going by getting to know the little details and events in their lives ¨C the only way to achieve this is by posting comments.  With a reduction in comments, the utility of Fanlink is slowly diminishing.  Moreover, when people think of Fanlink, it is usually the image of a big group of people that comes to mind ¨C we must maintain our unity because that is what really represents us as a community, so please continue commenting.  It is very important for us to maintain the support for Fanlink.  After all, how could we convince others of the success of Fanlink if we are not sure of it ourselves?




3/21/2008 9:21:46 PM 
Fanlink Post
it is my 1st contribution in discussion zone.  just now i read a fanlink post it is really awasom work  which can not be express in word. there are so many  newspaper being publish in hong kong but all just copy/ paste from internet or from pakistani newspaper. but fanlink post has publish current affairs about Hong Kong.....please keep publishing news about hong kong .... Thanks
3/21/2008 2:46:31 PM 
Mubark Ho
Dear F. C  Brothers The first Editions of Fanlink Post is un believeable it's mind blowing, Zahir Bahi done a great job and obiousially we can not forget the whole team, new era has been started once again set up a unique e.g for rest of comunity we were, we are, and we will be united as brother's we need a blessings from Allah and douah from our elders
3/20/2008 11:52:56 PM 
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