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The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert.
After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.

Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says,
"Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see? "

"The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.

The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says,
"Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions
of planets.
Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.
Time wise, it
appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning.
Theologically, the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. 
What's it tell you, Tonto?"

"You dumber than buffalo Kemo Sabe. It means someone stole the tent."

4/5/2008 2:22:24 PM 
Welcome Zaeem
Dear Zaeem, Falink is delighted to welcome you as a member on board. Please keep in touch. We look forward to hear from you.  
3/27/2008 2:11:00 PM 
Welcome on board !!

Dear Zaeem, We welcome you to our ¡°fanlink¡± site. It is purely designed with intention to constitute a binding of fanlink members. Through our site, you can bridge up link with old folks and friends. There is a role for everyone and I hope that you will contribute by sharing your views about the site and by sending useful information to the members. As I know that you are working with IBM in North Carolina, I look forward to hearing your activities and happenings. Please take advantage of the forum / discussion board and feel free to share the information.     

3/27/2008 1:06:31 PM 
My Heartiest congratulations!

Congratulations on successfully launching First edition of Fanlink post (newspaper) which was circulated successfully all over Hong Kong. I am pleased to say that it has won the hearts of all readers from Pakistani community based in Hong Kong. It has been published with great care which covered both domestic and international affairs and it sounds to me if it has become an utterly indispensable source of news and what’s happening in our society. It’s been artistically designed and contains great deal of information for readers of all ages. It is edgy, informative and entertaining. Any paper that can compare has to have something…….. and I would grade it 10 out of 10 for winning the hearts of the community and for making Fanlink group prouder than ever. And I know that I am not the only one to appreciate Zahir bhai, Danny bhai and all team members whose hard work is meaningful for accomplishing this great task. It makes us all to talk something. It’s time to celebrate. Hurray!!!!!!    

3/27/2008 10:44:21 AM 
Fanlink Post to UK
The Fanlink Post could not be restricted to being distributed just in Hong Kong.  Please inform me if anyone could take some of our Fanlink Post to England for our members
3/26/2008 6:52:10 PM 
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