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Hats off for Zahir for the effort in running this site. It costs money to run websites so the spirit is very much appreciated. More so because despite the fact that majority of fanling people in Hong Kong are engaged in business the site has not been commercialized.
11/12/2007 3:36:14 AM 
Give a standing ovation for Zahir
Dear Zahir and all Fanling Brothers……..Assalam-alay-kum………..Whilst reading Zahir’s last message, I could not stop myself to show my special feeling toward  Zahir’s fabulous work for "Re-linking" all Fanling brothers into "FANLINK". Well done. You have no doubt done a great job and please keep it up…….ALLAH will definitely reward you for this achievement…………I am sure everyone feels closer to each other than before. We all look after and “care” about each others. I hope all will agree to that. May I request all to KEEP IT UP. Thanks and ALLAH HAFIZ...........MUNIR 
11/12/2007 1:07:05 AM 
30000 Hits and 131 Members on board

It has been four months and the viewings of the website have increased by 10,000 with 23 more members. Our warmest welcome to THEE Most senior members of Fanlink including  Mr Haq Nawaz , Mr Mushtaq , Mr Hafeez , Mr Aziz. and Mr Ehsan. I truly hope that Fanlink will be able to help them take a trip down the memory lane.

We have some good and bad news in past few weeks:-  Firstly, we are  very sorry to hear the loss of our Chacha Manzoor and Chachi Aisha.  This event has caused a great amount of grief within the group, as they had made a distinctive mark in our lives. They will most certainly be remembered forever. Secondly, we are pleased to congratulate Mr Sarfraz and Zia for the births of their babies on the same day. These are definitely heart warming events and our blessing stays with them.  Looking back, Fanlink has really come a long way. In the beginning, it was only a thought, but now this is a brand which is on every one's mind, It has become a lot more than just reality. As an example, by sponsoring the Pakistan hockey team with our logo printed on shirts of the teams and appears before the eyes of everybody.  

Its success is largely due to the results of everybody's hard work and determination.  Their effort and support have led Fanlink to embark on its journey towards greater success.  Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and we must remain strong for further triumph!


11/9/2007 11:25:47 PM 
Dua for our Coach
Deeply "SAD" to hear about Lala Habib. I pray to Almighty Allah for your early recovery and hope that you get back to your normal life very soon, Ameen. I can't forget playing hockey during your coach. You made me a  STAR called "Flying Horse" in 1980's when I used to play as right wing for Pakistan Club. Thank you and get well soon Lala Habib. Fayyaz Uddin U.K
11/9/2007 1:28:35 AM 
Dua'a for our senior

It is really shock to learn of Lala Habib serious stroke attack and on the contrary, it is fortunate that he has overcome this trauma with the mercy and grace of Almighty Allah.


I used to play hockey with him. He used to be a good coach and play.

Lala Habib, we and our youngsters need you to coach us.

So please recover soon and back to the field.

Our prayers are with you.

11/8/2007 10:12:18 PM 
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