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Assalam -o -Allaikum to all Fanlink Brothers ,I am proud to announce that CI Munir Khan and his family are invited by the Saudi kingdom (Royal family ) to attend the Hajj Pilgrimage with them,according to my information this invitation is the first one in Hong Kong and to be offered to Munir Khan and  family,I think this is something I am very proud of and we all should be,I am sure that all Fanlink brothers will agree with me , 

I have asked him to pray for all of us that we all can be there very soon.  May Allah give us the strength to spare the time so we can perform the Hajj.

Our Duas that he can perform Hajj and have a safe journey back home are with him and of course he will be keeping in touch with us through Fanlink Web discussion page.  He will also be posting us some beautiful pictures from the Holy place Mecca and Medina;

I just called Munir and he left Hong Kong at 4:30 p.m to Mecca;

May Allah give us all the opportunity to perform Hajj ,InshaAllah very soon ,Thank you!     

12/12/2007 5:32:06 PM 
Inna lilahi wa inna ilahi raji'un

Sajjad, it is really sad to hear of demise of your aunt in Pakistan. Please accept our condolence. May Allah Tabarak Wa Talla grant your AUNT place in JANNAT Ameen. May Allah Tabarak Wa Talla bless everyone in this world.

12/7/2007 6:11:38 PM 
It is very sad to hear the demice of Sajjad's Aunt in Pakistan. May Allah(SAW) bless her soul in peace and grant her junnat hereafter. Ameen. My syphthy with Sajjad and his entire family & May Allah(SAW) give patience to the family at this sad moment.
12/7/2007 3:10:41 PM 
Wellcome New Members
A very warm wellcome to our new members Khud Dad Bhai, Arif ,Babar,Tanweer and Jahan Zaib.
12/6/2007 4:31:34 PM 
Do Not Wait
Salam to all. I am proud to be the member of this family. Which love and courage I could see at  Zia'a Party. Thanks to Zia for getting us together that night. We should all be proud of each other being so close and united. In the end I would tell all of us not to hasitate when meeting  each other and do not wait and make your move first to greet someone & do not shy. Let's be the one fanling chai who use to be in Fanling.
12/5/2007 6:09:12 PM 
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