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EID Mubarak to all Fanlink Members , May God Bless you with good Health Happiness and Luck in a Blossoming 2008 , Ameen
12/21/2007 2:25:32 PM 
Eid Mubarak to all !
EID MUBARAK to all Fanling brothers and sisters on this beautiful Eid day and those who are not with us such as some of them living in the U.K.SINGAPORE,JAPAN and Pakistan,Eid Mubarak to all of you and have a beautiful day,I miss you all hope to see you in Fanling Mosque for the NIMAAZ AT 9:00 A.M, Allah Hafiz, Zulfiqar Hussain
12/21/2007 12:17:07 AM 
Eid Mubarak
Eid Mubarak to all Fanlink's Brother's, Sister's & Uncles
12/20/2007 8:35:53 PM 
Great news by Zulfiqar
Assalam alaikum to all Fanlink brothers. That`s great to hear of such wonderful news from Zulfiqar. I am very happy to hear that the Saudi royal family has invited Munir and his family to perform Hajj with them. Waqar called me recently and was very happy to know about this news. We pray to Allah to accept the pilgrimage of every pilgrim. Just wanted to thank Zia for everything you did at your party on 1st Decembery 2007. And finally, I wish to thank Zahir for his effort into this wonderful website. The new Fanink shirt looks really great especially with the Fanlink logo. May Allah bless you all with everything to your heart`s desire. Allah Hafiz, Ghaus Khan.
12/19/2007 11:07:19 PM 
Performing Haj
Congratulation for brother  Afthikar and Munir to performing Haj this year.
This is one of the great experiences of life to performing haj once in life time.
This is the day of promise: the guarantee of what Islam shall be when Muslims everywhere achieve the oneness today known only at Arafat." Congratulation for all Falink brothers to performing Haji this year.
12/17/2007 6:47:03 PM 
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