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My deepest Sympathy |
Brother Altaf, Zulfiqar and Imtiaz, I am really sorry to hear about the sudden dismissal of your beloved father, my deepest Sympathy with you all and May Allah (SWT) grant our beloved chacha a place in Jannah and give all of you and your family Patience at this difficult time. |
12/28/2007 3:29:03 PM |
Condolence |
Dear Altaf, Zulfiqar and Imtiaz Bhai sorry to hear about your beloved father dismissal, May Allah give you patience and grant place to our beloved chacha in Jannah. Ameen |
12/28/2007 3:21:51 PM |
Conddolence |
Dear Zulifiqar, Imtiaz and Altaf Bhai I'm sorry to hear about the sudden dismissal of your father, May Allah (SWT) Grand him place in Jannah and may Allah (SWT) give you patience. |
12/28/2007 3:18:45 PM |
Offer Dua and Fatiha |
Dear Zulfiqar, Imtiaz and Altaf bhai, I'm so sorry to hear the death of your father. I can imagine how the family is going through the depress situation during this time. I extend my condolence to you and your family. Lets offer Dua and Surat Fatiha for him. I pray Allah Almighty given him a special place in heaven and grant you and your family a sufficient fortitude to face the changing situation at this moment. Ameen....Wassalam...Zafar |
12/28/2007 3:02:00 AM |
Word of Condolence |
Dear Zulifikar, Altaf and Imtiaz......I was deeply shocked to hear the news of your father's death on 25th Dec 2007. INNA LILLA HI WA INNA ALIY-Hi RAJIOON. I have just returned form HAJJ today and I pray to ALLAH for resting the soul of your father in JANNAT forever (AMEEN). Your father had always mixed with young well and trust me that he will be remembered forwever. I understand that words cannot describe your feeling right now but I am confident that you will overcome this critical time and control your family (specially your mother). I pray to all FANLINK brother to do more DUA for CHA CHA JI.........KHADA HAFIZ..................MUNIR |
12/27/2007 11:29:02 PM |