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Dear All very very Happy New Year to all fanling CHACHA and Brother , may Allah help us on this year ,
1/1/2008 4:49:29 PM
My HAJJ trip and wish for 2008
Dear All Fanlink Brothers.................Assa-lam........alay-kum.......... I have returned to HK safely after perfroming Hajj 2007 and visiting Madina. JAZAKALLAH. May allah accept my Hajj .......... AMEEN. By the Razza of Allah all rituals went on very well as each ritual / prayer was very well arranged by the managment over there. I took the opoortunity to make a special dua in 'Hattem' for all Muslims and specially for Fanlink brothers. May Allah bless all who are working hard for this good cause who are behind the screen. For the year (2008), I wish for good health for us and our families. Prosperity of Muslim UMMAH, continued brotherhood of Fanlink and PEACE on EARTH. Laslty I also wish that Allah grant an opportunity to allow for some Fanlink brothers to perforn next years Hajj 2008 (toghther). AMEEN........... MUNIR
1/1/2008 4:46:41 PM
Happy New Year to all fanling brother and hope this year go good for us Allah Hafiz .
1/1/2008 1:53:29 PM
Happy New Year
Happy new year to all members. I wish you all a prosperous and happy new year. May Allah(SAW) make this and every comming year a success for all of us . Ameen.
1/1/2008 1:36:58 PM
Wellcome New Members
We all wellcome Khalid & Amjed Bhai to our Fanlink family.
1/1/2008 1:34:09 PM
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