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My Condolences
Dear Zulfaqar/Altaf/Imtiaz . I am deeply sorry to hear about uncle. May Allah give him space in Jannat. "Ameen" .
1/15/2008 1:08:45 AM 
What a shocking news
Yesterday as I was writing how I lost my beloved father here I am shocked again about one of our Fanling Brother Farhat Mumtaz is passed away in Pakistan,so young ,enegetic left young wife and children behind ,great loss for the family and for us we lost one of our brother ,May Allah (SWT)offer him place in Jannat and give strength and couage to his family I can understand  what they must be going through it will be very hard for them now but as no one can do any thing we can only pray for him  and say Duas and May Allah (SWT) give peace to his soul; AMEEN,He will always be missed by us !
1/14/2008 3:16:16 PM 
Very Sad
Very shocked and sad to hear the sad demise of our companion Farhat Mumtaz. At first, I could not believe it but nobody could change what had happened. May ALLAH (SWT) offer him high place in Jannat and give courage and strength to all his family members, especially Chacha, Chachi, his brother and sisters and more importantly to his wife to bear this sudden loss. Ameen!      
1/14/2008 11:53:22 AM 
Such a young age
I recived call on 13-01-08 someone form fanling sister that Farhat passed away I could not belive .Then i call Ferhat sister and confirm that Farhat relly passed away in Pakistan than i inform Zahir. I heard that he has a some kind of  health problem in Hong Kong. May Allah (SAW) rest his soul in peace and give him junnat. AMMEN
1/14/2008 8:46:51 AM 
2 sad news !
Assalam-alay-kum......Very sorry to learn about the sudden death of Farhat, Inna-lillah-he-wa-innaa-ailayhe-raji-oon. Anyone know what happend was he sick or had accident ? May ALLAH bless him and place his rooz in JANNAT.................Secondly, sad to learn about the sad story of DANNY's ABBU. He rightly mentioned him as a fighter cha cha who has always worked hard in life and famous in youngsters. May ALLAH bless him and let him in peace in JANNAT-ul-Firdous..........AMMEN. May I request all FANLINK brothers and readers of this message to do a DUA for both DANNY's father and Farhat Mumtaz. Please do it now........JAZAKALLAH.
1/13/2008 11:31:14 PM 
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