As we all know that it is not an easy task to launch a newspaper as one has to do research, spent more time to make the paper healthy looking. Publications contain news, information and advertising. Such as articles on political events, crime, business, art, sports, society and entertainment are discussed mainly. Columns are also written to express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections contain advertising and other printed media. Truly, newspapers are still the most iconic outlet for news and other types of writings. To cater all, a huge effort is required. May I therefore, request all members to figure out and to assist expertise by giving advice on how to improve edition. It could be a Fanlink traditional navigation to learn through the contents related stories and to share views on problems being faced by the community in Hong Kong and across. To my belief, editors are great gatekeepers and play an important function and it should be our concern to support editors by writing our own views for the community. I am not advocating but why not give editors a help and some choices of our own as how we can express ideas by writing contents for publishing in the newspaper. What do you think?