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It was a great party and we enjoyed enormously! Everything ran so smooth without a hitch. It was brilliant and well arranged. Those who attended the party will remember it and those who did not must have missed it. I thank you Zia and your family and pray for your sisters. I wish they enjoy their lives in the companionship of their husbands happily forever.
8/25/2008 4:16:42 PM
Welcome brother
We welcome Nawazish S/O chacha Sipte-e-hassan to our fanlink family, good luck to him
8/20/2008 3:18:10 AM
I was glad to meet Nawazish bhai yesterday and we all welcome him to our Fanlink family. He is son of Chacha Sipt-e-Hassan. Tanweer bhai form UK is also in town. Glad to meet him too and we had nice chat with them.
8/19/2008 7:27:08 PM
Gathering at Pakistan Club
On 16th August, we hosted a gathering at Pakistan Club and were very glad to be able to invite Chacha Habib Shah, Chacha Zafferullah,Chacha Nazir,and Chacha Islam Shah. The event went on until 11 in the evening and everybody enjoyed themselves.
8/17/2008 3:57:50 PM
May Allah Ta'ala give us all faith, unity and prosperity in the coming years. And let us serve our country to the best of our strength. Each and every one of us here is an ambassador for our country. Our each and every action represents our country. Be the best. Don't let yourself down. We are a great nation. And we have a great responsibility at this moment. May Allah Ta'ala give us strength to face every challenge that we are facing around the world today. Ameen. ***JUSHN-E-AZADI MUBARAK***
8/14/2008 2:01:22 PM
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