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Inna Lillahi Wa Inna llayhi Raje'oon
Baji Tasmeem Sohail (Guddi),  Inna Lillahi Wa Inna llayhi Raje'oon. My deepest consolences are with you , may allah give you patience and perseverance to help you deal with your lost. May Allah Ta'ala bless his soul and place his soul in janat Ameen
11/6/2008 5:47:49 PM 
"Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Elaihe Rajeoon"

Sister Guddi

It is really sad to hear of unexpected demise of your son.

It is a time that we all do not want it to happen but no one may ever have control and we have to accept.

We know that his passing will not only leave a void in everyone¡¯s life, but I in the hearts of all those who knew him.

Although, I have never seen him, he will always remain within our hearts.

May Allah Tabrak Wa Ta¡¯alla give you and family strength to subdue this setback

Being simple human being, we have to accept and pray to Almighty Allah Tabarak Wa Ta¡¯alla to grant him a place in Janat ul Firdous and may his soul rest in peace.

Our Sincere Thoughts and Prayers are with you.

11/6/2008 4:32:43 PM 
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna llayhi Raje'oon
Baji Tasmeem Sohail (Guddi),  Inna Lillahi Wa Inna llayhi Raje'oon. My deepest consolences are with you , may allah give you patience and perseverance to help you deal with your lost. May Allah Ta'ala bless his soul and place his soul in janat Ameen
11/6/2008 2:39:57 PM 
Inna Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Rajoon
Aslaamu Alaikum, Baji Guddi, I felt very sad to know the demise of your son Saqib. May Allah Ta'ala bless his soul and place his soul in janat Ameen. May Allah Ta'ala give you and your family patience at this sad moment. Waslaam, Tahir
11/6/2008 2:38:05 PM 
Inna Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Rajeoon

Baji Guddi , My deepest consolences are with you , may allah give you patience and perseverance to help you deal with your lost

11/6/2008 2:25:39 PM 
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