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invitation ti the open meeting
dear brothers   we have formed a pakistani Student Association in hong kong recently. the purpose of this Association is to uplift the educational and Socio- economic status of Pakistani your and community. we are holding an Open meeting for  pakistani Leaders in business and social sectors, NGOs, School and other religious organization on Sunday 4 May 2008 at 2 Pm at the HK PolyTechnic University.we will give a presentation about our Mission Aims and objective as well as  on how we can Collaborate with different NGOs. we have also Invited the Consular general of Pakistan as a Guest of Honour who has accepted our Request. if you want to attent this program please send us an E-mail at      psahk@live.com       and we will send you an invitation letter. we would appreciate very much if you could attend this meeting thanks you very much for your time ... Zohaib
4/29/2008 2:14:26 PM 
Pakistan Consulate website
Thats good news!  But a very small step forward. Pakistan Consulate has lot more to do in providing good service to the public. This news should be published in Fanlink post - third edition, so that more people are aware of this website and by down loading forms save time and cost. But one should try first, if one can really make use of it.......ha ha ha.       
4/23/2008 2:37:59 PM 
Consulate General of Pakistan (Hong Kong) has created a website for council services and forms printable etc.  Website: www.pakconhk.com
4/21/2008 3:43:39 PM 
Heartfelt Condolences
Heartfelt condolences to Altaf, Zulfiqar, Imtiaz and their families on sad demise of their mother so soon after passing away of their father. May Allah give you all strength and fortitude to bear this great loss in the family and rest your mother's soul in peace. Ameen 
4/21/2008 2:03:53 AM 
Inna lillah he wa inna ileye rejeoon
Dear Altaf, Zulfiqar and Imtiaz. May Allah (SWT) rest your mother in peace and grant her place in Junnat. AMMAN 
4/18/2008 8:03:27 PM 
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