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No Substitute to great loss

Assalam-o-Allaikum to all Fanlink brothers;

Another saddest day of our life after few months  losing our beloved father we lost our dearest,beloved mother on the evening of 9th April 2008 It is very difficult for our whole family to go through this and accept this huge loss but we all have to accept one day we all have to go ; My sincere thanks to Zahir who have put on the notice board sudden death of my mother and there is no doubt as you can see Fanlink is the best platform for us to be informed and to communicate among all of us any where in the world  Keeping in touch through this wonderful website;I would also like to Thanks those who have shown great sympathy for my mother and father¡¯s death ,Past few months has been very tiring for myself and for my family with in few month we lost both of our beloved parents ¡°May ALLAH give them place in Jannat and peace to their souls ,Ameen¡± Once again my sincere thanks to those who have really cared about my parents sudden death and for our family¡¯s loss,Thank you!

5/19/2008 1:22:42 PM 
Gathering in Pakistan Club

I want to thank Mr. Nisar Khan ,who came especially from England, And our Honorable guests Capt.Saleem Ahmed, Mufti Arshad, Mr. Yusaf Yu and all other members who attended the gathering in Pakistan Club.

5/19/2008 11:27:57 AM 
Fanlink Gathering
Salam, It was very enjoyable to speak with all of you in gathering party. It was organized very successfully and aluhumduallah everyone enjoyed very much. Insha-allah I am sure all of us will keep moving forward our activities in the future and make them more successful. Ameen.
5/19/2008 10:51:05 AM 
Salam Alikam to all brother how to sport you guys i thing you guys don't know with who you going to play ? you know what is SHASHEEN and who they are if you guys beat them all guys going to have 1 candy from me . Allah Hafiz / ZIA    
5/13/2008 7:19:11 PM 
Gathering time and vanue
Please be informed that the gathering would be on 18-5-08 at 7.00pm at Pakistan Club. Before that Fanlink Pakistan Club Hockey team would be playing Robobank Holland Cup Final Match against Shaheen at 4.30pm at King's Park Hockey Stadium. Please come and support our team. Thank you.
5/13/2008 6:22:22 PM 
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