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I pray before Allah Ta'ala for Aleeza that her operaton would be successful and she would recovered from this kind of delicate operation very soon and Insha Allah be back to her family and school in no time. Ameen. Ya Shafiu. Ya Allah Aleeza per apna Rehm-o-Karam atta furma.
5/2/2008 6:10:22 PM 
Bone Marrow
Please make dua for Mansoor's 4 years old daughter Aleeza who is having a bone-marrow operation on 2nd May, this operation is very delicate. I request all the brothers to make 'khusoosi' dua for a successful transplant, next six weeks are critical. I have requested this on other forums as well and thought 'fanlink'  is another 'baradri' that I belong to, which I can request this favour from. JazakALLAH Khair and thanks.
5/1/2008 6:28:43 PM 
Inna lilah e wa ina elayhi rajioun
Br. Altaf Zulfiqar and Imitiaz, Ini lilah e wa ina elayhi rajioun. May Allah grant your mother the highest jannah. This has been a double loss for you in recent months and may Allah increase your courage to bear the irreplaceable losses  . Ameen. 
5/1/2008 6:20:05 PM 
Pakistani consulate forms

Last few months I was visiting the Hong Kong Pakistani consulate website, I realized that other¡¯s Pakistani consulate website¡¯s is better than this (www.pakconhk.com) because the forms it has small space to fill and not easily to understand. When I saw this website

 (www.embassyofpakistanusa.org) and I felt this is best for me. Because it has PDF & M-WORDS files available to fill and printable and easy to understand and more clear that what they are asking in the form but the small problem in here that you will change the address of the Pakistani consulate on the top of form. Like this

(  3517 International Court N.W

 Washington D.C. 20008


to this


3706 China Resources Bldg.
26 Harbor Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel#: 28270295/28270245/28270681 Fax: 28276786


you shall see the big difference and choices is yours

5/1/2008 2:33:37 PM 
Zohaib, my heartly congratullations to you and your team for forming Pakistani Student Association in Hong Kong. I am sure this would benefit all pakistani students. May Allah Ta'ala give you every success in this and every efforts you make in helping our community. Ameen.
4/30/2008 3:55:30 PM 
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