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Brother Danny, Bohat Mubarak ho for your new born baby boy, may Allah give him long life and good health ,
6/17/2008 5:57:44 PM
Bhohat Bhohat Mubarak
Brother Danny, Bhohat Bohat Mubarak for your new born baby boy.
6/17/2008 8:26:34 AM
Congratulations to Danny
Dear Danny, BHOHAT BOHAT MUBARAK HO AAP AUR APP KE FAMILY KO. Now you can be called as the "LA ELITE"...........MUNIR
6/16/2008 10:07:28 PM
Dear Zulfqar bhai and family, Bahut Bahut Mubarik ho! It's a great blessing of ALLAH! May your son become noble, victorious and a great achiever. On this auspicious day, we congratulate you, bhabi and your entire family . I know that it is really a great celebration day for you and we are equally sharing this moment and we are very happy for you.
6/16/2008 3:25:24 PM
Brother Zulfiqar, Mubarak for your new born baby boy.
6/16/2008 11:13:43 AM
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