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Say Dua for getting well soon for Chacha Habib Shah
Dear Fanlink Brothers,Assalam-o-allaikum,Please pray and dua for Chacha Habib Shah who is in a critical condition in Prince of Wales Hospital ,
11/28/2012 11:58:46 AM 
Chocolate bar a week.
Guys,  we have e got good news for you ¨C research has revealed that one of the world¡¯s most popular treats is also great for your
health! A Swedish study led by Susanna Larsson of the Karolinska Institute has found that eating a standard chocolate bar each week could lower stroke risk for men by 17 per cent.  It is believed that these benefits are derived from the health-boosting flavonoids found in chocolate, which can help reduce clot formation and also lower blood pressure.  Not only this, dark chocolate is also a great source of antioxidants which can help to fight disease and keep wrinkles at bay. While chocolate can be great for your health, it is worth bearing in mind that it should still be consumed in moderation and as part of a healthy lifestyle. Have a great healthy life.
11/27/2012 10:16:14 AM 
Regular meetings are essential to move forward
Assalam-o-Allaikum to all Fanlink Brothers; Thank you for attending  the 18th November Tea Gathering there our Fanlink brothers proved  our Unity ,we all had a concrete discussion and few brothers had given very good suggestion and new way of approach had been made successfully ,Very soon in near future we will see each other again and this time I hope to see most of our Fanlink brothers together with  their families ,Inshaallah!
11/24/2012 9:41:32 PM 
Member's Meeting Discussion on 18th November 2012
The purpose of the gathering of Fanlink members on 18th Nov 2102 was to send a message to all the members that Fanlink was never Dismantled or shaken. It is intact by the support of the members and "Inshallah! By the grace of ALLAH, it will remain intact". Another purpose was to solve the differences and grievances (if any). Alhamdullilah! All the issues were resolved in an organized manner. Fanlink sends a message with the slogans - "Do not give up" and "Fanlink Value all the members equally." There is no concept of any sort of discrimination. 18 members attended the meeting. Some apologized by calling that they would not attend the meeting due to personal commitments planned earlier. In fact today we are a combination of 1G (chachas), 2G (we) and 3G (our children). The sole purpose of Fanlink is to keep us united, to join hands and remain as one family, same as we have remained in the past. During meeting, we discussed that it was very natural that only a few members might have grievances and differences over a few very small issues but those could be resolved amicably by more interactions. During the meeting, members were given an opportunity to express their own opinions and suggestions. Some members took a bunch of notes to discuss the issues. The theme was to ¡°move forward¡±. It was decided that more will be done in the near future to improve ties and arrange outdoor family activities. Also, mutually agreed that a family function will be held in the early January, 2013. Measures were taken to push the members to participate more actively and work hard to bloom Fanlink. Moreover, it was made clear that Fanlink is not a property of any individual. It was never used and will never be used for any personal gains. Every member has a right to express oneself that will help lead Fanlink in pursuing the desired goals more positively. The meeting was fruitful, comprehensive and friendly. It was decided that more meetings will be arranged in the future. As a conclusion, members felt that Fanlink has actually gone an extra mile in achieving the unity. At one occasion, a great applause was given to the members who actively engaged in bringing us together. Members are requested to post their views more often in a web blog as posting comments is one of the most exciting features of blogs. Thank you!
11/21/2012 12:44:29 PM 
Good meetings are essential for good Strategy

It was a wonderful gathering. Thanks everyone for coming. It is essential to hold meetings on regular basis to move forward in a positive direction. To resolve differences and to get an opportunity to keep a clear focus on decision making. Request all brothers to participate in the next meeting to make most of it.  Thank you! ALLAH HAFIZ   

11/21/2012 11:53:52 AM 
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