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Heartiest Appeal
As many of you know that our brother Asaf Shafi has been suffering from a serious Liver problem for quite some time. For last one year, doctors are asking him to find a donor for his liver transplant.One donor was willing to donate part of liver for brother Asaf but medically could not meet the requirement. Now brother Asaf's stage has become very critical and he URGENTLY needs a donor.

Let's try our best to find a donor for him and at the same time let's pray for him in every of our daily prayers. Please spread this massage to save a very precious life.

12/6/2012 11:24:46 PM 
Sorry to hear the sad news !
Dear ALL Brothers,  I am very sorry to hear the news of Cha Cha Habib Shah's death. In fact, I was in UK and just came back. May ALLAH rest his soul in JANNAT.  Ammen.  On the other hand, good to see the comments made by MANNA (Rahil) and others after long period. Please keep in touch with "Fanling Villagers". Your Munir
12/5/2012 9:14:36 PM 
Salam to All fanlink
Havent been on the site for a few years. Heard about passing away of chahca habib shah and Ishfaq ullah's mother sent me down the memory lane and I thought let me check whats going on in the HK circle.....Alhumdulilah seems like there are regular contributors...may Allah enable us to put aside our differences and meet each other with clean heart. ameen. Salam to everyone on the site.
12/3/2012 7:29:28 PM 
Passing away of Chacha Habib Shah and meeting held on 18.11.2012
Inna Lillahe Wa Inna ilehe Rajeoon - Let us pray, 'O Allah, forgive Habib Shah, elevate his status among the guided people, and look after the family that he left behind.  O Lord of the universe, forgive us and him, comfort him in grave, and lightens his stay.'  Further, the meeting held on 18.11.2012 was very constructive.  All present deliberated how we shall improve our relationship and reduce differences.  Proposals for gathering with families at Pakistan Club were made and inshallah that will be held prior to Chinese New Year of 2013.
11/30/2012 9:10:04 PM 
Assalam-o-allaikum,all Fanlink Brothers ,It is sad to let you know Chacha Habib Shah (Khalieq Mahmood's Father)has passed away this Morning in Prince of Wales Hospital,NIMAZ-E-jANAZA WILL BE HELD AT 3:30 pm Friday after Jumma Nimaz at Happy valley Masjid,Please contact family members for further information,May Allah give peace to chacha soul and subbir to his children.
11/29/2012 1:03:04 PM 
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