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In all 1354 data In all 271 page 3 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 4 |
Sad News |
Salam to all ! A very sad News, i could not believe this, Let us all keep him in our payer, Rahil Ahmed Butt |
3/20/2007 12:55:02 PM |
Unexpected illness of Ijaz |
Dear All, Assalam-O-Elekam. Very sad to hear the unexpected illness of Ijaz (Jajji).Perwaiz is flying today to Lahore to be with him. Please pray for Ijaz and include him in Dua after every Nimaz. May Almighty Allah bless him and bring him back to good health. Ameen. Jamshaid Ali |
3/20/2007 12:32:15 PM |
Ijaz Health |
Aslaamu alaikum, may ALLAH give good health to ijaz.we all pray for ijaz early recovery. imtiaz hussain |
3/20/2007 12:19:57 PM |
Ijaz Health |
Aslaamu Alaikum, May Allah give soon recovery to Ijaz. Ameen. Habib Zahid M |
3/20/2007 11:25:29 AM |
Ijaz Health |
I have just inquired the health condition of Ijaz from bhabi in Pakistan. He is improving but still in ICU. Let us keep up our prayers for his speedy recovery |
3/20/2007 10:49:53 AM |