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Perhaps participation will improve, if the members can get e-mail address link to this website i.e. -----@fanlink.hk. Any other suggestions?
6/21/2007 12:37:10 PM
Well done
Great improvement on the original version. The site has a very hi tech look about it and the colour definition is attractive giving a feeling of perspective/third dimension(3D) in the tabs and buttons. Well done Zahir. Keep up the good work. However it seems the word hasn't gone out yet and participation seems to be low. So guys spread the word and get the passwords from Zahir.
6/21/2007 12:14:02 AM
great job
Boohat Khoob You Guys are rocking the "PLANENT" Zahir Bhai great job its very eye catching website hopefully all the FC Bro like it. Keep It Up
6/20/2007 12:31:52 AM
Yes , My Dear Jamshaid , Registration is for the new members only , all existing members may email at : member@fanlink.hk or call me at 90234794 for their password, you may change your password after login
6/18/2007 6:07:50 PM
Hi guys! Fanlink got a fantastic new outlook. Zahir Bahi has once again proven that he is keen to go ahead for the sake of all Fanling Chais. Thank you once again Zaheer TAI LO. I was already a member and thought that I have to register to get the password to get in. I did so. However, Zaheer Bahi promptly send me an e-mail to inform that no need to register if you are already member. Mean to say, that the Fanling Chais who are already members need not to register again. Just contact, Zaheer Bahi for a passpord. Am I right, Zaheer Bahi? Please comment. Salam
6/18/2007 4:11:46 PM
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