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Help Flood victims in Pakistan
Dear brothers and sister, as we all know that Pakistan is passing through a severe clamity who needs our duas and as well as our help specially in terms of money, food water medicine and much more. Please do send your help and I am sure that All mighty Allah would help the people of to come out of this tregdy very soon. Ameen. Watch duniya news etc at: http://www.paktvlive.com/
8/19/2010 2:48:04 PM 
build mosque in nycity
8/15/2010 9:12:35 PM 
Ae Watan Mere Pyyare Watan Pak Watan Tujh Ko Salam!
Dear All, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! I pray to ALLAH for HIS mercy upon our beloved country Pakistan and all those who dwell within our beloved Sarzameen. YA Allah! Save my country from clamity, catastrophe, misery, crime, corruption and sufferings. Save our people affected by the heavy floods and heavy torrential rains. YA RAHEEM! We ask forgiveness. Our country needs our duas more than ever. It is time to raise your hands for duaa and beg Almighty for the safeguard of all its citizens, for every Muslim and for the entire human race. May ALLAH guide us always and give us power to go in search of knowledge and experience and we do more for the betterment of our country. Ameen! Summa Ameen! PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!!
8/14/2010 12:43:58 PM 
Ramzaan Mubarak
Ramzaan Mubarak to all brothers and sisters. We thank All mighty Allah That he has given us this prcecious month. May All mighty Allah give us strength and health to observe all the roza in this month and shower his blessing on us. Ameen.
8/12/2010 3:05:08 PM 
Ramadan Mubarik!
May this Ramadan bring you all the most brightest life, full of  happiness, peace and love in the companionship of affluence and prosperity. May the month of Ramadan show us the right way of life and lead us all to the path of peace and social harmony. Wish you a very Happy Ramadan Mubarak!
8/12/2010 12:51:56 PM 
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