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salam we all welcome our new member on boaed.i am very happy to see second generation in the member list .
8/29/2007 10:17:10 AM
We all Welcome our nephews Umad and Nohman on board. They are the first to become the main members from second generation. Umad is grandson of Chacha Sabir & Nohman is grandson of Ghulam Habib.
8/27/2007 11:55:30 PM
Congrats to Mr Zia For buying a new Car
Mr Zia I ahve enjoyed riding back to my home on your car on the independence day.May Allah grant you happines in your rest life.Ameen!
8/25/2007 1:34:21 PM
Congadulation to CIP Munir Khan
My heartiest congradulation to chief inspector Mr.Munir Khan on his recent promotion. May Allah grant you more rewards to serve the muslim community. Ameen!
8/25/2007 1:31:01 PM
Message from MUNIR
Dear ALL Brothers_Assalam-alay-kum_I really appreciate the kind comments from all of you (specially from Danny / Zahir / Tanveer Bhai/ Jamsheed). A very BIG Thanks. Please Keep remember me in your DUAs. Your MUNIR.
8/23/2007 6:06:15 PM
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